Here is a quick riddle: what doesn’t come when you are looking for it, but comes when you least expect it? We all know the answer to that. But if you have found love then are you ready to take the net big step? Let’s find out…
Why do you want to get married?
Some people just know that they want to be married, and for others, it takes the right person to come along. Then there are those who are ready for marriage are tired of the dating game. They want some kind of stability in their life. They desire to spend their energies on building a relationship.
Do you know and trust your partner’s personal history?
Trust is the bedrock of every relationship. Don’t get married just because you’ve been dating for four years. Get married because you know your partner. You know their past and you know their hopes and dreams.
Have you spoken about your needs and expectations?
If you’re getting married, you need to have a deep relationship. Deeper than just having fun all the time. Discuss openly about money management, kids and spending time with each other’s families. These are touchy topics, the more clarity on these, the better.
Do you resolve conflicts together?
Resolving conflicts in a relationship will make a strong foundation for a healthy marriage. Work out any kinks in your relationship so they won’t blow up later.
Are you planning just a wedding or a marriage?
Weddings last a day; marriages last a lifetime. Put at least the same amount of time and effort that you are using to plan your wedding into planning your marriage. If you don’t plan for and discuss these topics, you won’t be able to successfully merge two lives together.